As most of you already know, I am a zoologist, a wildlife painter and a photoshop guru. I also worked at DC Comics back in "the Day", so it stands to reason that I would dabble in creating artwork that represents my cats. (Also working on Sebastien and Ivy as well, but that's another blog!) So after talking with my original cover artist John Connell, I decided to put some of my work up on a website known across the world as Deviantart. It's a wild and wonderful community of photographers, painters and illustrators, and does pretty much for artists what Amazon does for authors. Here's the link, Deviantart. Check it out and let me know what you think!
I have so much more to say regarding the inspiring (literally) trip to Writer's Digest East Conference in New York this month, where I finally was able to meet my agent Jennifer Udden of Donald Maass Literary, but again, that is material for another blog! Be Back Soon!
H. Leighton DicksonAuthor. Zoologist. Imaginary Genius. Engineer of Fantastical Worlds. Master of None.
March 2024